The Power of Imagination (English Edition)

Rp 175.000

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Rp 175.000


Never underestimate your imagination! It’s not just a product of childhood fantasies. Imagination is a God-given dynamo that opens the doorway to your potential!

Many people don’t recognize the purpose, value, or influence of imagination in their lives, so they try to receive from God without activating this powerful tool. But your imagination is your creative center, and it’s the first step in doing. If you can imagine something, you can do it!

Too often believers pray for healing but never experience it. They pray for prosperity but never receive it. Why? Because they don’t know how to use a godly imagination correctly. They don’t see themselves healed. They don’t see themselves prosperous. They don’t see themselves victorious.

In The Power of Imagination, Andrew Wommack will unlock the power of your imagination and explain how you can put it to work giving you hope for the future. Without it, you’ll never fulfill God’s plan for your life. Circumstances will divert you and hardship will steal from you. But with it, you won’t be able to lose for winning!

Author: Andrew Wommack

The ministry of Andrew Wommack, Bible teacher for more than five decades and author of more than 30 books, is available to nearly half the world’s population daily through Gospel Truth radio and television broadcasts. In 1994, Andrew founded Charis Bible College, which has grown to more than seventy Charis campuses with more than 6,000 students worldwide.


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The Power of Imagination (English Edition)

Rp 175.000